Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Work begins on actual airplane parts

I finished the airfoil practice project, and started working on the HS609PP rear spar reinforcement bars last night.  It took a while to figure out how to effectively use the Scotch-Brite wheel in the bench grinder, which many builders had said was the most efficient tool for this process.  I was worried that it would remove material too quickly, but it really doesn't.  I had an experienced builder look at the first 609PP today during lunch, and he said it looked good.  He gave me a few pointers that really helped me with the second reinforcement bar this evening.

I removed the second wheel from my bench grinder, which was getting in the way.  I also placed a piece of duct tape over the grinding platform, which prevents marks from being made on the surface of the work after one side has been polished.  These two items really helped me make some progress.  I need to make the 1/4" radius on each of the ends, slightly round the corners of one of the bars, and then I can begin clecoing and match drilling the 609PPs to the HS603PP rear spar channel.  I look forward to that part.  I'll include some photos of the 609PPs when they are finished.